Sri Devi Kirtan Collective is a group in the Denver area devoted to traditional kirtan chanting as a practice, not a performance. Our offerings are centered on the simple call and response repetition of ancient mantras accompanied (mostly) by traditional Indian instruments. We lift our voices in joyous song to open our hearts and connect to the divine presence that dwells within. 

** Tickets are non-refundable and do not roll over to other events.  If you need to cancel, you may gift your ticket to someone else.  

3RD SATURDAY KIRTAN: We currently offer a monthly Kirtan practice on the 3rd Saturday of each month on the border of Lakewood and Golden (See ticket link at bottom of page). In March and April we gather on the 4th Saturday.  We come together to chant our hearts open and join in community and fellowship.  Homemade chai and prasad are offered after the kirtan.  Please bring a mug!  Chair and floor seating are both available.  

PLEASE NOTE: March Kirtan will be on the 22nd (the 4th Saturday) with Em, Andy and Ky.  April Kirtan will be on the 26th with Ken Bernstein, Gilly Gonzales and Ky.

Space is limited to 30 people and these sell out more often than not.  Advanced purchase is highly recommended.